1,025 research outputs found

    A theoretical investigation of nuclear reactions with neutrons

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    A theory of the interaction of neutrons with complex nuclei is developed with the aim of obtaining a cross-section averaged over the resonances, to be compared with the results of the phenomenological model proposed byFeshbach, Porter andWeisskopf (2). It is shown what kind of assumptions have to be introduced in order that the compound nucleus formation give rise to an absorption of the incident beam, irrespective of what happens after the compound nucleus decay. The problem is reduced to the determination of the complex index of refraction of an indefinite nuclear matter, taking properly into account the effect of the Pauli principle. Subsequently this index of refraction has to be introduced into a one-body Schrodinger equation with the correct boundary conditions at the nuclear wall. By assuming nuclear forces which fit the low energy two-body data, and an average binding energy of 8 MeV per nucleon, an expression is derived for the absorption coefficient which is compared with the imaginary part of the FPW potential. At zero energy the absorption coefficient is just in the right range 0.03–0.05. For higher energies it becomes so large that already for 6–8 MeV the absorption is almost complete for medium sized nuclei. This agrees quite satisfactorily with experimental evidence

    Affine Lie Algebras in Massive Field Theory and Form-Factors from Vertex Operators

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    We present a new application of affine Lie algebras to massive quantum field theory in 2 dimensions, by investigating the q1q\to 1 limit of the q-deformed affine sl(2)^\hat{sl(2)} symmetry of the sine-Gordon theory, this limit occurring at the free fermion point. Working in radial quantization leads to a quasi-chiral factorization of the space of fields. The conserved charges which generate the affine Lie algebra split into two independent affine algebras on this factorized space, each with level 1 in the anti-periodic sector, and level 00 in the periodic sector. The space of fields in the anti-periodic sector can be organized using level-11 highest weight representations, if one supplements the \slh algebra with the usual local integrals of motion. Introducing a particle-field duality leads to a new way of computing form-factors in radial quantization. Using the integrals of motion, a momentum space bosonization involving vertex operators is formulated. Form-factors are computed as vacuum expectation values in momentum space. (Based on talks given at the Berkeley Strings 93 conference, May 1993, and the III International Conference on Mathematical Physics, String Theory, and Quantum Gravity, Alushta, Ukraine, June 1993.)Comment: 13 pages, CLNS 93/125

    The Hagedorn temperature Revisited

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    The Hagedorn temperature, T_H is determined from the number of hadronic resonances including all mesons and baryons. This leads to a stable result T_H = 174 MeV consistent with the critical and the chemical freeze-out temperatures at zero chemical potential. We use this result to calculate the speed of sound and other thermodynamic quantities in the resonance hadron gas model for a wide range of baryon chemical potentials following the chemical freeze-out curve. We compare some of our results to those obtained previously in other papers.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Effective boost and "point-form" approach

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    Triangle Feynman diagrams can be considered as describing form factors of states bound by a zero-range interaction. These form factors are calculated for scalar particles and compared to point-form and non-relativistic results. By examining the expressions of the complete calculation in different frames, we obtain an effective boost transformation which can be compared to the relativistic kinematical one underlying the present point-form calculations, as well as to the Galilean boost. The analytic expressions obtained in this simple model allow a qualitative check of certain results obtained in similar studies. In particular, a mismatch is pointed out between recent practical applications of the point-form approach and the one originally proposed by Dirac.Comment: revised version as accepted for publicatio

    Semileptonic Hyperon Decays

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    We review the status of hyperon semileptonic decays. The central issue is the VusV_{us} element of the CKM matrix, where we obtain Vus=0.2250(27)V_{us}=0.2250 (27). This value is of similar precision, but higher, than the one derived from Kl3K_{l3}, and in better agreement with the unitarity requirement, Vud2+Vus2+Vub2=1|V_{ud}|^2+|V_{us}|^2+|V_{ub}|^2=1. We find that the Cabibbo model gives an excellent fit of the existing form factor data on baryon beta decays (χ2=2.96\chi^{2} = 2.96 for 3 degrees of freedom) with F+D=1.2670±0.0030F + D = 1.2670 \pm 0.0030, FD=0.341±0.016F - D = -0.341 \pm 0.016, and no indication of flavour-SU(3)-breaking effects. We indicate the need of more experimental and theoretical work, both on hyperon beta decays and on Kl3K_{l3} decays.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables, Final version of this material is scheduled to appear in the Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science Vol. 5

    The Orbifolds of Permutation-Type as Physical String Systems at Multiples of c=26 IV. Orientation Orbifolds Include Orientifolds

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    In this fourth paper of the series, I clarify the somewhat mysterious relation between the large class of {\it orientation orbifolds} (with twisted open-string CFT's at c^=52\hat c=52) and {\it orientifolds} (with untwisted open strings at c=26c=26), both of which have been associated to division by world-sheet orientation-reversing automorphisms. In particular -- following a spectral clue in the previous paper -- I show that, even as an {\it interacting string system}, a certain half-integer-moded orientation orbifold-string system is in fact equivalent to the archetypal orientifold. The subtitle of this paper, that orientation orbifolds include and generalize standard orientifolds, then follows because there are many other orientation orbifold-string systems -- with higher fractional modeing -- which are not equivalent to untwisted string systems.Comment: 22 pages, typos correcte

    Adiabatic multicritical quantum quenches: Continuously varying exponents depending on the direction of quenching

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    We study adiabatic quantum quenches across a quantum multicritical point (MCP) using a quenching scheme that enables the system to hit the MCP along different paths. We show that the power-law scaling of the defect density with the rate of driving depends non-trivially on the path, i.e., the exponent varies continuously with the parameter α\alpha that defines the path, up to a critical value α=αc\alpha= \alpha_c; on the other hand for ααc\alpha \geq \alpha_c, the scaling exponent saturates to a constant value. We show that dynamically generated and {\it path(α\alpha)-dependent} effective critical exponents associated with the quasicritical points lying close to the MCP (on the ferromagnetic side), where the energy-gap is minimum, lead to this continuously varying exponent. The scaling relations are established using the integrable transverse XY spin chain and generalized to a MCP associated with a dd-dimensional quantum many-body systems (not reducible to two-level systems) using adiabatic perturbation theory. We also calculate the effective {\it path-dependent} dimensional shift d0(α)d_0(\alpha) (or the shift in center of the impulse region) that appears in the scaling relation for special paths lying entirely in the paramagnetic phase. Numerically obtained results are in good agreement with analytical predictions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Power counting with one-pion exchange

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    Techniques developed for handing inverse-power-law potentials in atomic physics are applied to the tensor one-pion exchange potential to determine the regions in which it can be treated perturbatively. In S-, P- and D-waves the critical values of the relative momentum are less than or of the order of 400 MeV. The RG is then used to determine the power counting for short-range interaction in the presence of this potential. In the P-and D-waves, where there are no low-energy bound or virtual states, these interactions have half-integer RG eigenvalues and are substantially promoted relative to naive expectations. These results are independent of whether the tensor force is attractive or repulsive. In the 3S1 channel the leading term is relevant, but it is demoted by half an order compared to the counting for the effective-range expansion with only a short-range potential. The tensor force can be treated perturbatively in those F-waves and above that do not couple to P- or D-waves. The corresponding power counting is the usual one given by naive dimensional analysis.Comment: 18 pages, RevTeX (further details, explanation added

    Deformed Heisenberg algebra and fractional spin field in 2+1 dimensions

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    With the help of the deformed Heisenberg algebra involving Klein operator, we construct the minimal set of linear differential equations for the (2+1)-dimensional relativistic field with arbitrary fractional spin, whose value is defined by the deformation parameter.Comment: 8 pages, latex file, preprint IC/93/32